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Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year Resolutions 2017


Its my tradition to share my resolutions with you guys. For me resolutions act as framework and give me a list of things to chase for complete 12 months. So before we head to New Year Resolutions for 2017 do check out my New Year Resolutions for 2016.

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Ok, so its not that I passed with flying colors when it comes to my Resolutions for 2016. But guys, lets get real, making a resolutions list and failing at it is kind of a tradition that we all follow religiously!
So here is my list of Resolutions for 2017:

1. Leave the bed more often- As I work from home, I literally spend all day sitting in bed with my laptop. This year I really want to enjoy my porch πŸƒ

2. Meet real people- This entire year, I canceled a lot of plans with my family and friends just to reply to mails and post on my social media. This year, I want to leave internet atleast twice a month and meet my loved ones.πŸ‘­πŸ‘­

3. No shit policy- I have been on no-shit policy for a year now and Damn! It feels good. Finally after years of not answering back to anything people say, I decided to go for no shit policy last year and it literally made me 100 time more happy and chill.πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

4. Not to be fooled easily- I am the kind of person who gets emotionally blackmailed pretty easily. People take advantage of this, was fooled a lot if times on 2016, but no more✋🏻

5. Upload more videos- Failed on this in 2016, sadly! But in 2017 I have all plan to kill it with 3 videos a week. πŸŽ₯

6. Come back to my daily posting time-

7. Work on my sleeping schedule- Failed on this last year, but keeping hopes high for this year. Not even targeting for 8am but would love if my day could start at 10 or maybe 11am! πŸ’†πŸ½

8. Finally sign up for a gym membership- Yes, I have never entered the gym. Finally want to get myself a membership and get back in shape✌🏻️

9. Travel as much as I can- I love travelling and this years goal is keep one bag packed at all times, ready to goπŸŽ’

10. Drink more water- Because I always forget drinking water! πŸ™„

11. Start writing daily diary again- I use to love writing daily diary. As the time passed, it kind of faded. So want to bring it back. πŸ“–

12. Allowing myself a little bit of me time- Blogging keeps me a little too occupied and I love it, but this year I want to give myself some time to just sit and look around though naked eye and not through camera lens. πŸ‘§πŸ½

Hoping to cancel out at-least half off the list when 2017 ends! Also I have a list of Beauty resolutions for 2017, do check them out too !
Wish you a very happy Happy New Year!


  1. Wishing you all the best for the New Year, Pooja! :D

  2. your resolutions sound great
    happy new year!

  3. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing :-)


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