

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Beauty and Hair Benefits of Coconut Water

Hello Loves,

I am a huge fan of coconut water, literally I can drink it all day, every day without getting tiered. Thankfully its super healthy. So I though I would write about the beauty and hair benefits of coconut water.
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So lets get straight into the beauty and hair benefits of drinking coconut water.

1. It makes hair shiny
2. Drinking coconut water increases hair growth.
3. Coconut water moisturizes skin.
4.  It helps reduces acne and if you apply it directly on skin it even reduces scars.
5. It also works on signs of acing like wrinkles.
6. If you have any skin infection, it treats that too.
7. It reduces pigmentation.

Girl, isn't Coconut water the best of both worlds, its super yummy and has so many benefits. Do add drinking coconut water to your routine for glowing skin and healthy hair.