

Friday, October 9, 2015

My Plazo Love

Hello Sugar Cookies,

One thing that I am obsessed with is plazzo's. And you know why !! It's is like wearing payjama and still looking great.

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So, I works from home and that means I get to be in pyjama and shorts all day every day which is a blessing. But due to that I have this habit of wearing comfortable cloths. Can you believe , I have started hating wearing skinny jeans , no don't get me wrong, love the way it looks but the feeling of it literally bugs me. Can't even believe that their was a time when I use to live in them.

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Anyhow, plazzo's are my jam these days. It's like a cool looking pyjama, you get to breath and be free and still look put together.
The laid back look and the indi western vibe of it always gets me.

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The plazzo's have haven m this new love , the love for cotton clothes. These plazzo's are perfect for a friends day out. I like to pair them with a comfy tee, this Port Blair one I actually got from Port Blair when I was on a family vacation !

Do you like plazzo's !!


  1. nice!

  2. I like plazzo too. Comfy is the word.

  3. You look stunning doll...Happy weekend xx

  4. Those pants are peeeerfect! Love those pieces that feel like pajama yet they look amazingly stylish ;)

  5. Your makeup is perfect for your outfit and your pants are stunning, Pooja. What a gorgeous outfit babe.
    I'll be seeing you in India soon!

    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Very nice palazzo pants, you look so stylish!

  7. Dear Pooja, the skirt is wonderful and I like it that you combined it with the printed shirt!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  8. I love your pants! Beautyful!

  9. I love that palazzo and how you paired it with a simple T. The eye make-up is just soo perfect too. - New Post - Featuring Bluestone Peacock Jewelry

  10. Looking gorgeous girl...Love the lip color too 😀

  11. Love the Palazzos..n i love ur eye make up.


  12. these pants are adorable!:)

  13. Plazzo are my fav too.
