

Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Roundup

Hey Sweeties,

Its sunday again , well its almost ending . I hope you had a great , relaxign and fun filled weekend and are fully energized to take on the coming week . 
Its time for my weekly roundup , so lets see what all I did on my both blogs , Indian Beauty Diary and Being Beautiful and Pretty and Youtube channel , Being Beautiful Pooja .

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So lets get Started.

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Heavy Sweater                       The Royal Earrings

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Watch me talk about Loreal pure reds  and Swatches 

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beauty , fashion,beauty and fashion,beauty blog, fashion blog , indian beauty blog,indian fashion blog, beauty and fashion blog, indian beauty and fashion blog, indian bloggers, indian beauty bloggers, indian fashion bloggers,indian bloggers online, top 10 indian bloggers, top indian bloggers,top 10 fashion bloggers, indian bloggers on blogspot,home remedies, how to

beauty , fashion,beauty and fashion,beauty blog, fashion blog , indian beauty blog,indian fashion blog, beauty and fashion blog, indian beauty and fashion blog, indian bloggers, indian beauty bloggers, indian fashion bloggers,indian bloggers online, top 10 indian bloggers, top indian bloggers,top 10 fashion bloggers, indian bloggers on blogspot,home remedies, how to

So this was all I did this week , so not happy, Couldn't post much on Beauty blog, but the comming week I promise to be good and be regular .

Hope you liked my outfits , videos and product reviews.

Dont forget to visit and subcribe to both blogs , Indian Beauty Diary and Being Beautiful and Pretty and Youtube channel , Being Beautiful Pooja

Have a great week.


  1. You look super stunning in the rainbow outfit, love it. Also love red lips and would like to try that product.

  2. you are so cute on this video:) thanks for sharing! I also like last outfit:) I just started think about coming spring and summer :))))
    INSTAGRAM - hellodashi

  3. Among them i liked more the Japanese look and the royal earring post!

  4. Nice way to share your weekly posts. Love that fur jacket on you! :)

  5. Lots of fantastic posts from the week, can't wait to see this weeks. Have a gorgeous one doll xx

  6. Pooja love your looks of winter trends and your blanket. Really beautiful! You look amazing as always!
    hugs from Toronto

  7. Great looks, red lipstick suits you well


  8. Amazing outfits, I love it<3
