

Saturday, June 7, 2014

DIY Neem Bath

Hey Everybody,

It's burning hot in delhi , of course I am very happy that I can wear all my cute clothes, but there is a bad side of it too.

Summer means, lot of sweating which means a lot if bacteria that can lead to too much sweating, infections , allergies, acne and many more. 
There are also the months when you can catch measles and chicken pox , it is so painful guys. We must protect against all this.

A DIY Bath Salt to relieve stress, tension , pain , body order. A all natural solution to smooth skin and detoxification. This aromatherapy bath salt help to replx, neem , neem bath , neem benifits , neem oil , neem leavs , neem tree , how to use neem , benifits of neem , behingits of using neem, how to use neem as a medicine, how to use neem , how to use neem leaves, how to make neem face pack , how to make neem soap , how to make neem bath sault , how to make neem oil , how to make neem facewash , how to make neem face oil

My mum has a way by which we can protect against all this , I use to hate as a child, but it is so effective.
Mummy always says, Neem has endless benefits and I totally agree with her .
I use neem in many ways, but today I am going to tell you how I use neem to take bath.

Now, wear your sneakers, go out on a walk with a big bag, look for neem tree and collect as many leaves as you can.
Thankfully I don't have to do this, I have a huge neem tree in my backyard which you can see in the pic. 

So now we have neem leaves. Lets put them to work.

1) Wash them , we don't need to take bath with dirt , right .

2) Now in a huge vassal , boil the leaves in filtered water.( do not add a lot of water , we want to make a concentrated liquid. )

3) Once it boils, reduce the flame.

4) Keep heating it until leaves loose their color. 

5) Now allow it to cool and strain the liquid . Store it in a sterilised container in refrigerator . You can store it upto a week. 

When taking bath, pore some neem liquid it . 
It is not the best smelling thing but smell does not linger onn.

 This neem bath will kill all the bacteria, prevent you against diseases , allergies and other skin infections. If you are sweating a lot and smelling bad , this will help in that too.
If you don't have an option to get neem leaves , just use neem oil .

I loving the DIY innovative baths these days , Have you read my DIY Aromatherapy Bath Salt recipe.

Hope this was helpful.

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Pooja Mittal


  1. I've never heard about it but it seems great! ;)

  2. I have never heard of a Neem Tree/Bath but it sounds like it has amazing benefits! Living in London it is meant to be sunny, but it's pouring down with rain and the clouds are grey :(
    When the sun does pop out, though, this may be needed... So time to find a neem tree! :D

  3. this seems great

  4. I never heard about it so thank you for sharing!

  5. I'll have to look into this. I don't know that there are Neem trees where I am in the States though!

  6. I´ve never heard about, neither about the tree, but if you say that it´s working, it has to. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  7. Love those things that neem can be used for. Thanks for sharing and in return, gonna share with my friends.

  8. never heard of it, thank you so much for your lovely tips dear!


  9. nice article.. :)


  10. I've never heard of neem before! Great tips.

    Corinne x

  11. Oh very interesting DIY!

  12. Really??? Your mother is very wise, i didn' t know about neem leaves benefits!

  13. I've never heard about it seems to give a lot of benefits..i wanna try!
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  14. you have such a nice blog :)) love it!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC and IG? :) Just let me know :)

  15. haven't heard about neem before. thanks for sharing. :)

  16. We don't have such been tree in Russia, surprising, right))))? At the same time I really enjoyed reading your post, this is a part of your culture as far as I understood, so its really amazing to learn something new about other countries:)

  17. I swear that if I find this tree in my country I'm going to make this. Thanks for the recipe! :D
    Would you like to follow each other? I'm following you from now! :D

  18. cool post :) thanks for ur lovely comment on my blog :) we can surely follow each other. just let me know after you follow me n I wud follow back :)

  19. thank you for your comment! So great helpful and interesting post, as always! kisses!

  20. To be honest, dear Pooja, first I had to google what Neem is because I never heard before of it. But now I know thanks to your post about its great effects, thanks a lot for this.

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  21. Cool! mostly people here drop the neem leaves into a bucket for few hours and bath later

  22. A helpful post, thank you Pooja:)


