

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Everlasting Impacts

Hey Ya,

Has it ever happened with you that you see or smell anything and your mind marches it to some memory , person or place.

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When every I see a a house with lot of plants I think of my dad, he has so much interest in gardening , he planted a lit of plants and one garden in back of our house which we still maintain . 

Swings ,  I always associate to my grandma who gifted me a huge 4 seat swing on my first birthday which we still use everyday . 

Wherever I smell omletg , I think if the yummy omlet he use to make. After he passed away I never ate eggs again. Last omlet I ate was 17 yeas back with my daddy. :)

Sometime something leaves an impression in our mind which can never be forgotten.  It doesn't have to be any big things but can be small little things too that leave a big impression on your mind. All such impacts are everlasting . 

These days I am totally loving reading and looking at pics from Turkey. I have so many blogger friends from Turkey , I read their blogs almost daily and I am totally in love with the Turkish craftsmenship . Not to forget , I am dying to try Turkish coffee.

So when I saw this blue white shirt on Persunmall , in a fraction of second,Turkish prints and patterns came to my mind , so there was absolutely no question of not taking it.

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I don't no if I am making any sense , my Turkish friends will be a better judge of wether its a Turkish patter or not but I have seen that they have a lot of royal blue on white in their work.

I really like how the pattern is placed in the skirt, specially the shoulder part. Desist it look like embroidery !!

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While buying white shirts I am always very perticular about the quality as white bad quality fabric looks extremely bad . But no worries with Persunmall , I have been working with them for 8 months now and not even once have they given me a reason to regret my association. :)

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And yes it's my hot pink mini skirt again which you saw in Jinxed and Happy, what can I say , I am so in love with this baby that I don't mind repeating it so early on my blog.

Along with the skirt and shirt I decided to go with these matching earrings with Persunmall too .
I think they are made to be with this shirt and complete the outfit. Best part , it's on sale . : p

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Blue and White Porcelain Style Shirt by Persunmall - Here

Must-have Candy Color Mini Skirt By Persunmall - Here

Flower Earrings with Rhinestone By Persunmall - Here

I am going to rock the shirt and feel Turkish till actually visit . :)

Pooja Mittal


  1. Your hair is beautiful! Love this outfit! I am actually running a CHANEL spring make up set giveaway, worth over $150. Thought you might be interested;)!

    Come by soon!


  2. Beautiful colors combination!! Outstanding spring look!

  3. U look just fabulous, the entire outfit is so fun and full of colors.. Love your skirt!

  4. You look smoking hot babe! I too have been eyeing that top for a long time, love the print and the colour too is very royal. It gives an instant oomph to an outfit.

    I too get carried away with memories and all those things. Don't worry, your dad is watching from heaven above and he's always with you in your heart <3

  5. i neeeeed your hair!!! kisses!

  6. Amazing look!!! the colors and the blouse captured my heart !! :)

  7. Beautiful look!
    The earrings and the blouse are so amazing, i love them!

    Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
    Instagram // Faceboook

  8. Lovely shirt indeed! Your earrings are beautiful too

  9. This blouse is gorgeous and I love that you paired it with a red skirt. You look beautiful! Great matching earrings too. Love it!

  10. so the whole look
    the earring are so pretty
    keep intouch

  11. Hello dear Pooja, yes the same things with special smells happens also to me! It's unbelievable how long we are able to remember a special smell. And I think I will also remember your wonderful outfit for a very long time because you wear one of my favourite colours with the wonderful blue pattern blouse - and the blue has this shade which I love so much!

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  12. You look so pretty in these pictures! Your hair is so long and shiny!

  13. Lovely combo... amazing shirt and earrings!!!!
    Kisses darling!!!

  14. Tienes toda la razon del mundo los olores siempren nos trasladan a recuerdos casi siempre bonitos. Mil besicos aniga

  15. The earrings are pretty and love the combination of your outfit!

  16. love that pink skirt! and the earrings are pretty!

    sweet and sugars,

  17. Hello there!
    Great post here!!
    I guess you should try turkish coffee.
    I love your blog!! ❤️





  18. I love these two colours together and the print on the top is stunning. I want your hair I am sure I say that all the time.

  19. wow, you are so beautiful! Love your face contures so much!
    And this is one awesome outfit, looks perfect!
    Love your blog, you got one faithful reader :)
    XO, Antonela <3

  20. Awww you look so pretty my dear, I love the blouse!


  21. Ciao Pooja!!!
    Happy friday darling!!!

  22. beautiful outfit and beautiful hair! *-*

  23. Beautiful! I love how you mixed the colors! And I really enjoyed your little story about the smells and memories :)

  24. That blouse is amazing! So chic!
    And love how you combined it with that pink skirt!
    You look beautiful sweetie! :D

  25. Your memories are so sweet Pooja, Im sending u a tight hug. Btw, love Turkey too and Id love to visit it one day. The shirt and the earrings are so lovely and u look super pretty with this outfit. Enjoy the weekend! xo

  26. i like ur earrings..
    Look my new post:


  27. The flower earrings are great, I love your outfit Pooja:)



  28. I loved this skirt!

  29. I love your outfit. Your skirt is amazing.

  30. Love that blouse, the print is sublime and I adore how you paired it with pink! You look so pretty!
    XX, Elle

  31. I love the white blouse and that blue print is very pretty. I also love the skirt and how you paired everything in this look!


  32. Great shirt! xx

  33. Beautiful outfit!!! I lote this shirt ;) You look amazing ;)

  34. You look amazing!

  35. You look beautiful!
    We're following you, hope you do the same if you like our blog :)
    xoxo, Márcia*

  36. That shirt looks good on you. :) And your hair is absolutely stunning <3

  37. The colors of your outfit are just gorgeous. Love the complete look.


  38. Pretty overall! You made lovely poses in this outfit and accessories…

  39. Pooja you look absolutely stunning, love the earrings and the blouse.
    You rock! :)

  40. Hi! Thank you so much for your comment :)
    That blouse is so beautiful! Reminds me of Portuguese tile!
    Really enjoying your blog. I'm following you now, if you want you can do the same ;)

    Espelho da Isabel
