

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bloggers Beware !!

Hi everybody,

Today's post is a little different from my usual. 

So today the entire day  I was frustrated , like literally FRUSTATED , the reason of which you will know in a minute. Sitting quietly I asked myself that I need to share what I feel right.

So girls , what is the reason we all started blogging for!!! 
Clothes, accessories or other forms of gifts, No a very BIG NO.

We all starred blogging because we have a voice , we have a opinion and we want to share it with others.

Blogger problems, problems, us sues, blog sponsors , blog sponsor fraud , fraud by sponsors, cheap trade tactics, cheap tactics, blog sponsors, cheap blog sponsors, blog sponsorship , blog sponsorship rates, blog sponsorship programme , blog sponsored post rates, blog sponsorship issues, beware , bloggers beware, beware of sponsors , beware of cheap sponsor tactics, illegal sponsorship, fraud by persunmall, sponsorship by persunmall, cheap sponsorship by persunmall, fraud sponsorship by persunmall, problems by persunmall, persunmall blogger programme , fraud with bloggers, fraud by persunmall, sponsorship , sponsorship problems, blog sponsers that are fraud, fraud by persunmall, beware of bloggers, beware of fraud sponsors, precautions , precautions for bloggers, precautions for new bloggers, precautions for new bloggers, precaution for writing your first blog post

It's been 9 months since I started blogging and I must say I have had an amazing experience, met so many good people, read some amazing articles and evolved a lot as a person. But with this I have also had some not so good experiences.

So today I am going to share my not so good experiences. 

I will start with something that really pushed me to write this.
So my last post was for persunmall where I mentioned that I have been working for 8 months and I really like their quality.

Must say in first 6 months I was having a really nice working experience as well but suddenly last month they became really unprofessional. Now they do not value bloggers and don't appreciate their work .

If you are a fellow blogger then you will know that a company takes a week to evaluate your work or atleast 2-3 days which was the case with Persunmall too.

But coming in of a new marketing person, now things have changes. She has already judged my last post and given in feedback within 12 hours of it being published. When I brought it in her notice she said that they judge for 2-3 days but then what happened in this case !!

Judging the post only in first 12 hours , it's like jumping to the conclusion in the beginning of the work.

On the other hand says that's its a truth that my work was not upto the mark and I must accept it. 

She did something not very professional last month too but that time I thought that may be I am getting her wrong .

If she had given post the required time and then said the same , then I would have happily accepted but not like this . 

Guys , it's not about the clothes I get from them but it hurts when someone judges your work without even going through it properly.
I am no way trying to say that I am the best or my work , pics are write-ups are the best but if someone gets the work out of me and still says its not good then that's not right.

Other things that I have faces:

1) Treat bloggers like they are doing some favour by sending products. 
I want all the online shops to understand that you are not doing any favour on us, you want to promote your products and that's the reason you send them to us. It's give and take relation , we are not getting any free products.

2) Companies ask to a host giveaway  and when it ends they don't reply back to your mails. Yes this has happened with me. 

3) Companies tell that they have mailed the winners when they actually don't.

4) Companies don't want to give winners their prizes and give unreasonable reasons.

By doing all these companies not only spoil their image but also leave us in a very odd situation. The winners mail us for the prize and they are in no way wrong , they have won it and deserve it. But we are just stuck, I feel bad and cheated when this happens . I feel that I have to answer the winters but what do I do when the sponsor us not replying.

5) Companies trying to buy links.  There are so many companies out their who want to buy links from you. I really don't understand how can they do this when its against google's policies.

6) Companies sending faulty products. Yes , one company did this to me. And I read the other day on another blog that they did this to her too., Which means they are doing it deliberately.
Such companies should understand that we Bloggers are not waste bins, they can't send us defective products.

7) Sponsors ask to post wish-list as the first post , which I don't think is right but still if you do they don't reply back for feedback. I mean how can you not reply to someone you asked to write for you.

8) There are companies that don't reply back to mails but after ages they will pop up thinking that you are their fashion blogger and want you to be standing there at your service. 

Having all that said , I am in no way trying to say that all the companies out there are bad or are engaged in wrong promotion practices but yes there are some and we all need to beware to them.

It you have had any such experience , please do share so that others can be can be attentive . 

Sorry for such a long post . :) 

Pooja Mittal


  1. I have yet to experience these kind of things, but I blog about writing. But just in case I ever encounter companies such as you have, I am glad I have read your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I am not going to lie, I have experienced some of those things from certain companies, that I'm sure even you're aware of Pooja. However that is why it's better now that I get to work with companies like Nasty Gal and Boohoo. They are extremely amazing and nice an professional. :)
    I am so glad that you decided to post this. Someone needed to. :)
    Glitter And Blush

  3. I have never experienced any of this but I believe you, now that I think of it I think some other bloggers were also complaining about default things being send to them (sometimes even without them asking for it)It's really strange how unprofessional people can be sometimes.

    I really haven't had any experience with sponsors at all (I haven't searched for them and never hosted a giveaway). If I ever host a giveaway, I plan to do it with the stuff I make myself.

  4. Sorry that those things have happened to you!! A few of them have happened to me as well! Sometimes you just have to brush it off and know that it's them and not you!!

  5. Honey, I'm so glad you did this post! Unfortunately, not everybody's professional and I also must say that I share your opinion about Persunmall, you're not the only one and it's not about you, it's about them. But my worst experience is with Dressale! I cannot describe you how ridiculous that company is! If I can call it a company...

  6. Very glad you done this post, it is about time people were made aware of some companies! Would love if you would help me by nominating me for a company blog award you can find out the details here..


  7. this post is amazing. you are "brave" to say it loud and to everyone because sometimes bloggers are really misunderstood people according to sponsored giveaway, the winners think its our fault and that actually is a bad feedback for our blogs. respect

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this post with us!
    And sure I'll follow you on GFC, you have a lovely blog! xoxo

  9. I totally agree with you.. some companies try to get advantage of our work and that pisses me off... specially when they say you need to write an article, and at the end you helped the with publicity and don't get anything back ... Other times they're good with the giveaways ( in general I had good experiencies ) and sending products ( my problem is I do a collaboration and then they stop sending me stufss, and they were suposed to send me something each month... )

    Patiencia darling, have a nice weekend xoxo

  10. I agree that it is important to a have out efforts appreciated first and foremost. I nave not yet promoted anything Exocet for a company in my neighborhood that I love.. But have turned down all of the offers that have come my way. It is grat to endorse products, but you can run into what you have and that takes away the fun,
    Well, we alway learns from out mistakes thought!
    XX, Elle

  11. Oh I don`t work with persun because they prices too high and I can give 5 links with the same goods with lower prices in twice as minimum and the second reason their goods are very bad quality
    It's been 9 months since I started blogging and I must say I have had an amazing experience, met so many good people, read some amazing articles and evolved a lot as a person. But with this I have also had some not so good experiences.

    So today I am going to share my not so good experiences.

    I will start with something that really pushed me to write this.
    So my last post was for persunmall where I mentioned that I have been working for 8 months and I really like their quality.
    Moscow blogger by Marina Maximova

  12. Great post, Pooja. That are very true examples. Cheer up!

  13. hello Dear! thx for Your lovely comment :)) Following You now as Kathy, hope You will follow back :))


  14. Thanks for letting us know.. the saddest thing abt the blogging world is when pr companies send u products and also want u to write everything good and treat us so bad.. i never had a bad experience so far but yes when i asked a co for money to promote their stuff they never replied back.. seems like so much hardwork and hardly any gain... Happy Weekend sweetie xoxo
    My latest post :

  15. That was so unprofessional of persunmall! Shame on them! And I totally agree with you!

  16. I am sorry to hear that. Be strong and always remember we all grow from things like this. Now you know better and will not be taken advantage of anymore. Take the good from it by showing newcomers just coming into the blogging world, you can be there to help and guide them if they ask for it. I remember collaborating with Persunmall and i did it for the experience but as time goes on, i have become very selective of who i collaborate with. Not that i won't fall victim but it will be with extreme care. It is your blog so make it more of you than them. It is their loss.


  17. Hello Pooja, I like your blog, because you have so diff. posts, my blog is too small and boring, so I have only you and Rena as readers, but I'm happy with you both:)



  18. Lovely post! I agree, companies should treat us with dignity and not like they are doing favor for us by sending stuff and all!!

  19. Great post, would you like to follow each other? Just let me know ;)

  20. very helpful post,i totally agree with you
    I posted a new look, I'd love to know your opinion
    ----> fashion blogger pamela soluri <----

  21. Sometimes happens, agree with you!

  22. I totally understand what you mean. I had lately few experience like this! I was making wishlist for one of the stores, and then they said is not enough traffic, and they give me $5 discount if I make shopping there... Post which had over 100 comments and 450 openings. I will never respond to the lovely ''Sheinside'' cooperation e-mail ever again! It is just horrible!
    Wish you all the best darling!
    Your work is great!
    visit me soon on

  23. Great, I totally agree with you. I was contacted by one web site to do a review on their product, but after 3 months nothing have come to me. What a reliable company!
    I follow you on GFC, hope you do the same. :)
    Fashion Happenss

  24. I've not had a great experience with Persunmal either, I've given 3 posts with their products and submitted them to the site and I've not heard anything since.

    I don't do wishlist type posts first anymore. I won't recommend a site I haven't tried out myself.

    Corinne x

  25. i have suffered a load also from few of the sponsors.

  26. Oh Pooja, I read all your email, seems you are really dissapointed, I can understand you well, thanks for sharing with us ur experience, and dont get sad about it, let it go!

  27. Such a good post, but I am sorry to hear some on the things that happened. But things like that make your blog how wonderful it is!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  28. I agreed with all you have written!

  29. am glad someone finally spoke about this issue , it sucks and i have been through this before ,
    dressale contacted me to do a giveaway for them and i said yes , then after the giveaway ended i gave them the participants emails & they were off , never replied me or answered any emails i've sent , that is pure scam i say !!!

    wanna check out my bohemian obsession ? come see my post


  30. am glad someone finally spoke about this issue , it sucks and i have been through this before ,
    dressale contacted me to do a giveaway for them and i said yes , then after the giveaway ended i gave them the participants emails & they were off , never replied me or answered any emails i've sent , that is pure scam i say !!!

    wanna check out my bohemian obsession ? come see my post


  31. thanks my dear
    sure, just let me know if you followed. Just leave me your link and I'll follow back

  32. This is a really great post, I avoid a lot of companies as I know they can scam bloggers & it's just not right. I just followed you on gfc, so you can follow me back doll, thanks :) Have a great weekend xx

  33. Thanks for stopping by my bog. Sure I'd love to follow each other and just started following on gfc and bloglovin, so you can follow back! Thanks :)


  34. thank you for sharing information ,so we all aware with kind of company like that... and we can learn from ur experiance... U should give them warning if like that and tell them have to review all ur effort because being a blogger is not easy as well...we have to put effort and creativity on it... well, keep it up...make this negative feeling turns to learn something positive in it... keep spirit...keep think that blogging is for fun and sharing to caring...
    followed u

  35. great post and am glad you shared your experience.Thats very wrong of persumal.The only problem we have so far is number 2 ,where a company doesn't respond after the annoying
    keep intouch dear

  36. Sorry to hear that bad experienced!!! I already followed you all site awhile back ago!! sorry I didn't write a comment to let you know. Hope you did follow me back!!

  37. I am sorry to hear this bad experience Pooja, even I am also having problem with PR idiots, I am feeling irritated at times and what you wrote is 100% right :(

  38. Your right! Your post is great. That tips are very smart. The companies are so bad in realiont ship blogger-comapny.

  39. Inspirational post. I do not collaborate with companies, but maybe some day I will, so your tips are very helpful :)

    Would you like to follow each other? I followed! :))

  40. Un mala experiencia, gracias por contarnoslo. Te sigo guapa, muchas gracias por tu comentario.

  41. I know many of this problems. I think it is unfai to write wishlists first and so rude if dont get any answer later. Someone send me a wrong item and wanted to force me to show it. Many of those are really unprofessional!
    X, Ania from
    Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

  42. God, I never even thought about all the problems that one can have! I didn't even think a company wouldn't send the prize, that's so low and disgusting! And I agree with you 100 %, they're not the ones doing you a favor, come on!! I hope you don't have any other problems in the future, babe. And you've been blogging for 9 months?? You've done so much already, babe, congrats!

  43. Superb job done.. Being honest is sumthng i appreciate

  44. Oh wow...good to know....and be aware...Don't pay attention to those kind of people and just do your best!

  45. Thank you dear for your sweet comment on my latest post and Yes we can follow each other so let me know when you start following my blog and I will follow you back ;)

  46. Thanks for sharing this post with us! Its good to kmow!
    Good Luck!!

  47. So sorry to hear at ur experience.

    New Post Up

  48. Great you shared it with us… and alerted others!

  49. I really understand what you feel. We're not about the thing/s they will give to us. Its about the give and take relationship. First they will ask you to get a review then after you didn't meet their expectations they will not reply anymore and leave you hanging. :(

  50. Hi Pooja, what a great post. Really eye opener for many of the bloggers. I am very careful with companies when they contact me and if I get any negative or unprofessional experience I will simply stop promoting their products. I started blogging not for the freebies at all. It seams that a lot of blogs are blogging for that reason and it is a shame. I love to blog and share my passions, my love for travel, fashion, beauty and much more... I never had any bad experience yet with Persunmall I do enjoy some of their items, they have cute stuff. Thank you for sharing this Pooja, always a pleasure visiting your lovely blog.
    Take care

  51. Sad to hear about your experience. You must be feeling better after venting out your frustration.

  52. This post was very informative, yes some company behave in annoying way thinking we dont have any life other that blogging.

  53. I think the judging part you mentioned perhaps is how many clicks you gained from the readers to their website...if they play tricks and not approve your work, the best way is just to delete the post. I encountered something same which ask me to write about their client's product and promise to send me their products to use in return. But end up nothing. So I decided to delete it in the end as I don't wish to promote them for free when they break the promise

  54. Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm having similar kind of difficulties with one shopping website that I'm choosing not to name here right now. I'm thinking of stopping all future cooperation with them. It really gets on my nerves whenever I read this kind of article about brands that I thought were good. They should really learn to treat bloggers with more respect.

    Anyway, on a more positive note, I'm following your blog via GFC and email.
    Would appreciate a follow back ^_^
    Doodles, doodles everywhere
